Tuesday, May 28, 2024

If ‘life is a highway/I’m doin’ it my way’ (-Lenny Kravitz)...

STOP doing the world! Do! Jesus

HINT: some men don’t know
their sexuality/confused choose
the seminary; thus, Satan plays
withem and whispers in their left
ear ‘okay to be gay on earth’

HINT: friendly warning: 
Satan won’t be as friendly.

HINT: do not stick-thy-d🎱ck into
someone’s rectum; re-read Sodom
and Gomorrah if you know how to
reeed between-the-lines.

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

while we have death/taxes in this lifelong demise...

 I heard Don’s gonna do away withe IRS - another reason to vote for him:

Believe-it-or-not, lil1, there actually are goofy, kooky, groovy, wocky-woady-cars in Seventh-Heaven, yet I personally wont die nor drive, preferring to cycle my xtra-ultra-light Godspeed, John Glenn (<- like the wispy weight of white-on-rice: less than two nanometers) throughout the axiomatic, aromatic, exponential, exactly exquisite, extraordinary, exhilarating, off-center, psychotropic eternity.

We must do all the surplus reality in tandem, doll face, the circumference of the universe: envelop me withe uncharted, girl, engulf me. I’m so Yours eternally, Miss Diamond. As Pavlov’s dogs salivated each time they gotta delicious treat, so dost shall I, you irresistible gemstone, ya magnificent-bite-size: Almighty God made only 1 of you in the whole, wide, universe + d’BOMM awaits (<- trillions of prolongated yottalillions X nonagintillions of ‘em await throughout eternity... all for us) = coming, dear?

I’d also personally love for you to accompany this debut-firecracker beyond the stars. You know and eye know, kid, there’s gonna be gazillions-O-milestones in our avant-garde-eternity. Oh yeah? thou sayeth. Yeah, ya gorgeous wildflower, ya epiphany exquisite. ‘Upstairs in the Rooftop Lounge’, She whispered, ‘You’re valuable beyond belief; I alone have the Key to unlock My Victorious Vanguard, psychedelic minds intertwined with mine’.

Thus, I personally believe eternity would be severely boring if we didn’t make love beyond the starry sky achieving the ‘zig-zag-timewarp’ (the ‘Ying-Yang-merge’ if you will) into a captivating-yet-savvy young woman; I’m so in love with attractive 7thHeaven, I cannot bear not to procreate. Some girly-X-mortals don’t wanna - cool shoes; nevertheless, I’d love to populate my own galaxy. Or several. Whomever wants to, yay! sHe has ‘em all over the supersonic-stratosphere, so just meet me at the Rong Way cafe; we’ll do our own TNT. How many precious, adorable, girly babies for OxOxO (with a fenomenOl Soul)? ‘Oemnillion’ is quite a long time, long extracurricular ... yet I’ll have a triple, Godude.

(point of this story: if humanity truly wanted to show God Almighty how much they care for the Trinity and our finite existence [cannot be an atheist now; I literally saw the OtherSide], they would abstain, wait like I do. be a dude. think a weee bit more about what raising a child takes and see it wouldnt be possible if abortion facilities are everywhere now. God bless you, mortal)

Sweetheart dusk was approaching as I parked my mountain bike along the annex of what looked like a Mo’tell 6 after an easy voyage, a quick jaunt of 447ish? miles; I lost count as the sun slowly retired, looking forward to our passionate drinks of ‘Wild-Cherry’. Me sniffed left armpit. Hmmm. I wondered if they have any deodorant in the Passionate Paradise which awaits.

Some boxes on shelves filled with what-I-wasn’t-looking-for; I peered under the stairs leading up to the Wedding Feast/party-hardy which was boisterous to say the least. Yeah! Wow!! Coo-wool!!! Wannum!!!! Lil’ packets of luminescent females which will fit into your back pocket or backpack yet fully-grown once you add water! Watch ‘em grow!!

We’ll leave the Sonlight on ‘em for ya, Pops.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

O no! Ernest Borg9s gonna gimme!!

While there ain't no tired,
ol political parties in
Seventh-Heaven, babe,
there'll be puuuh-lenty
of parties for the
lengthNbreadth of eternity,
intersperced with
delicious, nutritious pi -
an endorphin sub/lime
in our drinks which
permeates everything...
and, of course, miss gorgeous,
you're most invited.
I Love You, dollface;
I wanna spend
rrrroughly HALFish
length of eternity with you:
psychadelic execution
which is the destinyOreality.

I must mountain bike, too,
along the highway/universe
to keep-up my awwwsome
physique to meet at Her
BigFatMansion where She
has HALFish, French accent.

Soon, sexy robots will be THE thang, both sexes: everyone will want one; the price of one will come way down while the magnanimous cost for your indelible soul will drop, too, to our detriment (hopefully, not mine).

They're HALFish: sly, smooth and succulent like hoodwinky succubi... yet, underneath, drop the boobs and sexy figure, lurks a solicitous, monumental wickedness controlled hook, line and stinker by the ruling elite who worship El Diablo. And if you honkey-dorey it? Bad news. That's idolatry which Almighty God doesnt approve of. Jesus, have mercy on their souls.

Soon, bro, boobs tainted with subtly-laced-milk from those 'sweetheart robots', shall allure and entice U.S. into being killers - the cognizant poison will infect/annhilate your morality if you have one. DO NOTthink seduction cannot happen to you, bubba: the connoisseurs of evil have a legendary task on their hands... yet quite easy with miss roboto.

Just remember this:
Pull-up your pants
and be a big boy.
I do with my injury.
Finite existence?
-blessed b9